This popular delight has a musky, floral aroma with woody undertones
A complex, sensual aroma connects the body and mind, to combat insecurities while grounding and soothing the spirit.
The active components of Patchouli Oil are reputed to be soothing, healing, anti-inflammatory and air-purifying.
Additional attributes include:
Insect repellant
I love this oil because, as a Clinical Aromatherapist, I have learned that it can eliminate unpleasant odours and balance emotions. Evoking sedation, this scent stimulates the release of serotonin and dopamine, improving low moods and enhancing relaxation. Also considered to be an aphrodisiac by boosting libido.
Use in a diffuser at night, Patchouli Essential Oil may encourage restful sleep, thus aiding improved mood and cognitive function.